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This is a now page, describing what I’m currently focusing on. I try to keep it up to date.

Two months ago, I returned back to work from a few months of baby bonding leave with my son who was born in January this year. I am extremely grateful that I got to spend so much time with him and witness all his daily developments. At the same time, I am eager to get back into all things WordPress and performance now that I’m back – all while entering this new stage in life where I have both a child and a job. I’m excited for that.

At this point, after catching up on all the developments that I either had missed or only had slightly noticed over the past couple months, it feels great to be fully back in action – as always, mostly in scope of WordPress core and the WordPress Performance Team.

In the little bits of time that are left here and there, I continue working on my own little WordPress projects and producing electronic music.

In terms of my personal WordPress projects, I just published a new plugin called AI Services, which provides infrastructure to drastically simplify the process of adding AI capabilities to WordPress plugins. It’s still an early work in progress, but I’m laser focused on expanding its capabilities and addressing feedback from users and developers.

Other than the AI Services plugin, I have been slowly advancing the WP OOP Plugin Lib library, which that plugin in fact uses under the hood. The library facilitates OOP best practices in WordPress plugins without reinventing the wheel, leading to a more maintainable plugin codebase with low risk of bugs and incompatibilities with other plugins. I am currently expanding and polishing the library’s APIs and adding test coverage. I’d like to launch a first 0.x version soon, including documentation. Closely related to this, I’m also working on a WordPress plugin starter template that uses the library, which can serve as a starting point or at least a good example on how the library can be used in a plugin.

On the side, I continue to maintain my MU plugins repository, as well as my plugins in the repository. There are some that I haven’t updated in years, and eventually I’d like to revisit and modernize them.

But for now, I’m just excited to be back in action and see what the future holds.